This training program is intended to provide you a thorough understanding of how to develop full stack web applications.

These are the topics in order:

Section 1: HTML and CSS (7 hours)

Section 2: JavaScript (7 hours)

Section 3: Node.js (Express.js) (7 hours)

Section 4: MongoDB (7 hours)

Section 5: React (9 hours)

Weeks 1-2: HTML and CSS (8 hours)

(7 hours) Complete the following tutorial

The video is 6 hours long. We realize this is a long time but the material is invaluable. You will be rewarded with the ability to create websites from scratch, understanding every part of the technical process that goes into it. You can also include HTML/CSS on your resume, which can land you a job or internship.

Create a GitHub repository before you begin the video. Code alongside the speaker (open up Visual Studio code and follow along in real time) and paste a link to this repository in the spreadsheet

The video is divided into 17 lessons: you can take a break after each lesson, and you are expected to complete approximately 3 lessons per day. Update your GitHub repository after each lesson.

Have fun!

Weeks 3-4: JavaScript

1. (1 hour) Create an “About Me” page. This page should include the following:

  1. Your name, major, school (University of Florida), and year in school
  2. A professional statement (e.g., “I am interested in full stack web development”)