Hello! Welcome to the Software Engineering Club (SEC). We know there’s a lot of other CS clubs on campus and it’s confusing what the differences between them are, so we created this page to explain the goals of SEC.

🚀 Goals

We have two goals.

1. Intern at FAANG/Big Tech


SEC members have interned at Google, Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, Lyft, Two Sigma, American Express, Bloomberg, and other tech giants. If you want advice on applying to either 1) a specific company or 2) technology firms in general, feel free to reach out.

2. Learn Real-World Technologies


Much of what you learn in a CS degree is only marginally useful in the real world. Conversely, much of what you need to know in the real world is only marginally covered in a CS degree.

We practice technologies used in industry such as MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js (the “MERN” stack). If you aren’t familiar with these, this is the perfect opportunity to learn how to build your own real-world project! If you’re already experienced in these, you might be interested in some of the more advanced technologies we use, like Apache Kafka or Kubernetes.

SEC vs. ACM/ACE/etc.

Unlike the other clubs on campus, SEC is a project-based club. Every semester, members work on a software application and perform every step to take it to production, including frontend development, backend development, deployment, project management (Agile methodology over biweekly sprints). This means you learn by doing—by getting your hands dirty. It also means you can list this project on your resume.

Other clubs focus on networking. Most clubs have many social events to meet other members in the CS community, and SEC has many of these as well, but what makes SEC different is its emphasis on a club project that members work on together, learning practical technologies as they go.

How to Get Involved

First, join the SEC Discord.


Join the Software Engineering Club Discord Server!

This is where we post event announcements. It’s also the fastest way to reach any SEC member.